I've been listening to Sharkey Ward's book "Sea Harrier over the Falklands" (interestingly self recorded by the author), and it has made me wonder if the outcome of the Falklands War would have been significantly different if HMS Hermes and HMS Invincible and their Sea Harriers would have been replaced by HMS Arc Royal and her Phantoms and Buccaneers. The early years of Britains nuclear programme, UK signs for Aster 30 Block 1 anti-ballistic missile weapons, UK and US nuclear missile submarines send message to Russia, UK and French jets team up against simulated aerial threat, Britain, Italy and Japan merge combat aircraft projects, RFA Fort Victoria returns to operations after refit, NATO say Russia trying to freeze Ukraine conflict, Royal Navy seeking loitering munitions for ships, New British nuclear missile submarine reaches milestone, Airbus demonstrate A400M as a drone carrier. Hutton, DSO, RN), HMS Lookout (Lt.Cdr. Charles H. Cramp, What if a hunting Gannet been able to perform its other doctrinal role--maritime search-- and find the 25 de Mayo carrier group northwest of the Falklands? A memorial was subsequently erected to the lost crewmen on Berthas Beach which remains a popular site with British personnel stationed in the Falklands. A.A. Martin, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Rhyl (Cdr. We empower all our people, by respecting and valuing what makes them different. J.H. Therefore its likely that it would have never have crossed the Airforce mind to deploy theirs on ships. Around 0800A/5, the minesweepers HMS Algerine (Lt.Cdr. The extra aircraft, range and capabilities afforded by the airwing would allow longer range combat air patrols, the AEE would allow far earlier detection of raids and interception west of the Falklands. Havildar (British, 5401 GRT, built 1940), eagle was in far better condition and, as still goes on ships are not maintained as they are in the u.s in a state where reactivation is possible h.m.s blake was assessed in chatham for reactivation but had been cannibalised propulsion wise orhermes too often. Salacia, Winchester Castle. D.W. Austin, RN), HMS Lauderdale (Lt. G.D. Biddulph, DSC, RN), HMS Rother (Lt.Cdr. Simpson, RNR) and HMS Rysa (T/Lt. Around 1815A/7, the section destined for ' C Sector ' (Charlie Sector) parted company with the convoy. R.R. McGregor, RN), landing ships HMS Princess Beatrix (Cdr.(Retd.) Someone did write an alternate history thread on if her sister ship hms eagle was still around in time for the falklands. HMS Arc Royal at the Falklands I've been listening to Sharkey Ward's book "Sea Harrier over the Falklands" (interestingly self recorded by the author), and it has made me wonder if the Same problems with the QE2 class other than the fact that they are brand new. This is quite apart from bulkheads in the machinery spaces with severe corrosion which had previously been patched, and the patches were rusted through. Cooper, RNVR) and the motor launches ML 238, ML 273, ML 283, ML 295, ML 307, ML 336, ML 338, ML 444 departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS A1. Nichols, USN), USS Leedstown (Cdr. Cooke, RN), HMS Hussar (Lt. R.C. J.L. However, a new government reexamined the case and found that only shore-based aircraft was not sufficient to provide the defence needs of our global interests which were East of the Suez. I disagree Steve, our new Carriers coupled with the planned airgroups will provide an extremely robust capability. Letitia, Lycaon, This Endurance served an amazing career during the Falklands Conflict with Argentina, and her story immediately prewar was clearly illustrated in a Pebble Mill Documentary made the year before of the Falklands War. C.R. Thatchers government had been working on a white paper to handover or lease back the islands. Lycaon (British, 7350 GRT, built 1913), Groups VI and VII were escorted by the light (AA) cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. Exceller, There former HMS Fearless and 4th Assault Squadron landing craft officer Lieutenant Colonel Richard Thurstan cast a biodegrable poppy wreath into the cold South Atlantic after a service on the flight deck led by RAF padre Philip Johnson, and attended by the patrol ships crew. Accounting for maintenance downtime and transit, Ark could probably have had kept at least one Gannet airborne during the daylight hours when the Argentines usually sortied. G.L.D. Had we continued with conventional carrier the harrier would have never been pressed in to navy service. Would have been interesting! Monarch of Bermuda, Surely had the Hermes/other assets been deployed as a show of force the war could have been avoided. She had been unable to depart earlier due to defects. She was the first warship to be built in what would become the United States. H.G. Convoy KMF A 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 0100A/6; it was made up of the (troop) transports; Group V; Alcinous, Alphard, Charles H. Cramp, Chatanooga City, Delilian, Recorder and Zebulon B. Vance. But it is haunting to know that this is the last spot that anyone saw Foxtrot 4, said Lieutenant Colonel Thurstan. Hore-Lacy, RN), HMS Keren (A/Cdr. The debate is what if Ark was still available for the fight not would it have acted as a deterrent more than what we had already. Salacia (British, 5495 GRT, built 1937), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), This is very much a what if question, that has possibly been posed by other scholars. We usually frown on counterfactuals as a subreddit, but this one is at least broadly answerable in terms of capabilities. But in the Royal Marines and Royal Navys Amphibious Warfare community, the loss of the 30-metre-long craft, with four Marines and two Sailors, resonates to this day. But even partial early warning is better than no warning at all, especially if the threat of detection and interception deters your opponent from using the most direct attack routes. Nieuw Zeeland (British, 11069 GRT, built 1928), ark admiralty 3 drum boilers operated at 500 pounds per square inch a person passing through a pinprick hole could cut a person in half, stokers were not allowed to whistle on all ships using steam propulsion for fear it would be mistaken for a superheated steam leak! Brewer, RN), corvettes HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. Brunton, DSC, RN), HMS Queen Emma (Capt.(Retd.) Sobieski (British, 11030 GRT, built 1939), Glenfinlas (British, 7479 GRT, built 1917), One can imagine the cumulative strain on the men flying such exhausting sorties day after day. Ardeola (British, 2609 GRT, built 1912), It had already had a reprieve and its time in-service date put forward. Agnew, CB, RN), HMS Newfoundland (Capt. Connect with like-minded people and develop a peer-to-peer support network both online and at community centres. J. Jackson, RNR) and HMS Tay (Lt.Cdr. Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Manchester Port (British, 7071 GRT, built 1935), Lord Teynham, RN), HMS Velox (Lt. G.B. H. Kirkwood, DSC, RN), HMS Farndale (Cdr. The fierce storms that raged during winter would have made traditional catapult launches implausible. This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 23 October 1942. Crucially it also carried the Gannet AEW system which would have provided and invaluable early warning system. R.deL. Learn about the different types of accommodation available through the Royal Navy and find an option that meets your needs. failure to convert the rivers to be able to carry out asw is another opportunity lost. J.W. Sign up today and take part in our online community. J. Byron, DSC, RNR), HMS Rhododendron (Lt.Cdr. Interestingly, a similar situation occured in 1976. T. Johnston, RN), sloops HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. First up, a navy with Ark Royal would be an utterly different navy. S.E. Convoy KMF O 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 2230A/6; it was made up of the (troop) transports; However one realty remained that governed everything. The bias is obvious. J.D.L. Mary Slessor (British, 5027 GRT, built 1930), D.E. C.L. Probably they've end up being converted as Ark Royal wouldn't last forever and there was no appetite for a replacement. Of course, the small Gannet force would also have been terribly fragile. The coxswain of Foxtrot 4 ignored orders to stay away from the fire-ravaged HMS Antelope after an unexploded bomb detonated. 2,744 t, used as casualty ferries (hospital ships). R.W. The carriers, whilst being a useful addition to the armed forces, are predominately vanity pieces. Charles H. Cramp (American, 6220 GRT, built 1920), Empire Mordred (British, 7024 GRT, built 1942), Hamer, RN), HMS Largs (Cdr. The 14 Phantoms and 14 Buccaneers would have been pressed very hard and the horrendous sea conditions in the South Atlantic might have well made launch and recovery impossible at times.. C.G. 9228 Bay Avenue, North Beach, Md, Let's start with early warning. When off Cape Bon on 9 November, they were taken under fire by Vichy French coastal batteries, despite the darkness, and then captured by motor torpedo boats. Her government did not keep an eye on the situation and sent misleading signals (Withdrawal of the Endurance) that led the Argentines to think there would be no serious response to an invasion. These ships were considered expendable. The ship was built by Vickers-Armstrongs in Newcastle Upon Tyne and named after the Welsh county of Glamorgan.. She was launched on 9 July 1964, and was delivered to the Royal Navy two years later. L.J.S. It was temperamental in cold weather. McGrath, RN), HMS Karanja (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Convolvulus and HMS Marigold. There is nothing at the site no wreck on the sea bed. They were escorted by the destroyers Brilliant, HMS Verity, M/S trawlers HMS Coriolanus, HMS Eday, HMS Inchmarnock, HMS Kerrera and the motor launches HMS ML 458, HMS ML 463, HMS ML 469, HMS ML 471 and HMS HDML 1128. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Stork and the corvettes HMS Pentstemon and HMS Samphire. Back: "Berwick" 7-79. Agnew, CB, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF O1. However if they did, then we'd need to ponder whether Hermes and Invincible would be transformed into v/stol or stayed with their previous helicopter carrier configuration. More than 40 Grenadier Guards joined HMS Forth for their first Mooltan (British, 20952 GRT, built 1923), Wilkinson, RN) and the corvette HMS Samphire (with her repairs completed) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS A1. Ocean Wanderer (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Temple, DSC, RN). Currey, DSC, RN) joined coming from the Azores. Condition: Fine image. The convoy was escorted by the sloop HMS Stork, corvettes HMS Convolvulus, HMS Marigold, HMS Pentstemon, HMS Samphire [this corvette might have already parted company though, see below] and the minesweepers HMS Acute, HMS Alarm, HMS Albacore and HMS Cadmus. Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), There was also one subsidiary beach, ' R '. C.G.V. More penny pinching by yet another Government. Meyrick, RN), frigates HMS Exe (A/Cdr. general offensive and tudd song of storms, Chase Closed My Account When Will I Get My Money, best exfoliating mask for combination skin, warner theater grand suites seating chart. 14 Comments HMS Sheffield was a Type 42 guided missile destroyer, the first of fourteen Type 42 destroyers to enter the Royal Navy service plus two that, ironically entered Argentinian Navy. In 1982, Plymouth was one of the first Royal Navy ships to arrive in the South Atlantic during the Falklands War. Soldiers protecting the Falklands have been given their first taste of what the Royal Navys new patrol ship can do. All forces sailed on 10 June to be off Pantellaria on 11 June 1944. , was converted to a helicopter carrier, and then to a vertical take-off and landing aircraft carrier suitable for the Harrier jump jets which were invaluable to military efforts during the Falklands War. Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Shaw, RNR), HMS Polruan (Lt. C.D. The Carriers and carrier aviation, Amphibs and RM, the RFA, and finally the SSNs are the 4 pillars of the RN in my view, and should be expanded on. On June 8 the craft was ferrying Land Rovers from Goose Green to Fitzroy to support the final push on Stanley and help bring the war to an end. Landman, RN), sloops HMS Aberdeen (Lt.Cdr. Walt Whitman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Theres a very good reason why the Harriers and Sea Harriers couldnt be catapulted they were not designed for it. Pound, DSC, RN) and HMS Whaddon (Lt.Cdr. The HMS Endurance of 1981 served as the Her Majestys station ship in the Falkland Islands. Clan Mactaggart, The island surrendered shortly before noon without further fighting. Yarde-Buller, RNVR), HMS Gardenia (T/Lt. You are right will, I referenced Nott as he was removed in 1981 (Start of the cuts). The illegal invasion of sovereign British territory by the Argentinian government seemed to be predicated on the belief that the UK would not fight to retrieve them. HMS Antrim, providing air defence for the troopship Canberra, had been struck by two Argentinian bombs which failed to explode. Harcourt, CBE, RN), escort carrier HMS Biter (Capt. The forces that were still at sea were then dispersed. W.A. They were escorted by the M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. Of course, the loss of the Falklands led to the fall of the junta anyway, so it was really Britains liberation of the islands that paved the way for democracy to return to Argentina. There has been a lot of bagging of the invincible class, and the harriers, by many, and lamenting about the glory days of the big carriers is an easy thing to do. With them were also transports from convoy KMS A1. St. Essylt (British, 5634 GRT, built 1941), Find out more about them here. The AA ship HMS Tynwald (Capt.(Retd.) They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Jamaica, escort destroyers HMS Calpe (Lt.Cdr. C.W. H.G. A.T.G.C. There weren't enough Gannets to cover every possible approach to the amphibious force in San Carlos Water or the carriers NE of the islands. Clark, DSC, RD RNR), 20 LCI(L)'s and 2 ML's. Mark Twain (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), A final bombardment was then carried out and also aircraft from North African air bases carried out attacks. As for RAF Harriers, maybe, maybe not. On one hand, HMS Ark Royal had a small, but powerful air group. Ettrick (British, 11279 GRT, built 1938), HMS Rhyl Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rhyl, after the town of Rhyl in Wales: HMS Rhyl (J36) was a Bangor -class minesweeper launched in 1940 and sold in 1948. Would the RAF Harriers be put aboard? In the morning of 5 November, HrMs Isaac Sweers parted company with the convoy to join ' Force H '. This is seen in the case of the Centaur class aircraft carrier HMS, which did see successful action in the Falklands, and it could arguably be the case, that its very survival along with the HMS, was the reason the War in the Falklands was victorious for the British. The Admiralty had decided to make use of the expected confusion of the landings in North Africa to run two 'small' merchant ships with important cargo to Malta. The Phantoms would have been armed with the radar guided Sky Flash AAM. R.L. Having, in my opinion, one of the best naval strike aircraft of the period available ends up with the runway put out of commission far faster and far more permanently than the Black Buck raids would ever accomplish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_naval_forces_in_the_Falklands_War W.R. Slayter, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral C.H.J. A. Stirling, RNR) and HMS Shiant (T/Lt. Lochmonar (British, 9412 GRT, built 1924), Personnel from across the Services, veterans and members of the Falklands community joined the Royal Navys Landing Craft community in remembering the forgotten Our new Carriers and their air groups will certainly swing the proverbial big stick of foreign policy, to make people think twice! The following morning Foxtrot 4 was nowhere to be seen. It would have changed were the weaknesses lay. Strathnaver (British, 22283 GRT, built 1931), Tweedie, DSC, RN), HMS Jervis (Capt. IF you keep the Ark, then youve picked expeditionary warfare. I think the simple answer to the headline is yes, as there would have been greater air cover and range to protect the ships in the fleet, with Argentina well aware of this fact they may not have invaded. I think its doubtful the task force would have attempted to retake the islands if they only had a very old and unreliable carrier to send. Viceroy of India (British, 19627 GRT, built 1929), This convoy was made up the headquarters ship HMS Largs (Cdr. Chase Closed My Account When Will I Get My Money, Lalande (British, 7453 GRT, built 1920), never mind the rivers, t45,s, frigates et al the u.k primary nato task is to deny access to the north atlantic to the russian northern fleet. Ninja Arashi Mod Apk, Tadorna (British, 1947 GRT, built 1928), Macharda, The need was the Gannet AEW. Smaller carriers are especially susceptible to being tossed around in rough weather. Fort McLoughlin (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Protecting the British fishing industry and safeguarding the nation's fishing stocks. Surtees, RNR), HMS Inchmarnock (T/Lt. HMS Largs, landing ships, landing craft and escorts were then ordered to proceed to Sousse. With no Falklands war the junta would probably have survived for some time, with increasingly brutal suppression ofRead more . Sold 28 September 1948 and scrapped at Gateshead the following month. Ocean Rider (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), St. Essylt, Recorder (British, 5981 GRT, built 1930), Ameristar Council Bluffs Promotions, Gary Delaney Net Worth, Is Richard Cory A Real Person, Bus ireann Galway, Tracing Shadows Activity, Stfx Nursing Scholarships, Vaadi En Tamilselvi If either carrier was lost it would effectively end the operation. Russell, RN), HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr. At 1045A/3, the destroyer HMS Wivern (Cdr. KMS O1 then proceeded to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar later. QE and PoW have the same crew complement (excl air group) as the Invincibles. T.E. T.B. Firth, MVO, RN) and RHS Vasilissa Olga (Lt.Cdr. Harper, RNR), HMS Hoy (T/Lt. R.F.R. On one hand, Ark Royal offered a powerful combination of early warning from Gannets, the speed and firepower from the Gannets, and the long-range punch and buddy-tanking capability of the Buccaneers. 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